Justin Lumoo Pakulu

Waterways of Noth Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

I am Justin, and I live in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the province of Noth Kivu.

The rivers of our community are classified as protected areas, and thus must be protected. They host an abundance of natural biodiversity, such as fishery resources and innumerable aquatic species. The work we do is not only essential to combat water pollution and  floods, but it is also key in protecting the aquatic species that live in these waters. We at the Initiative for Progress and Environment Protection are striving to achieve good environmental management in the region.

Tracking the damage caused to the native biodiversity after a heavy rainfall

Photo by: Jusin Lumoo Pakulu

Convinced that underdevelopment and environmental degradation is always characterized by misery, malnutrition, poor health, precarious housing, incomplete education, poor practice of agricultural techniques, and lack of security, we decided to tackle the root of the problem.

Environmental advocates in action

Photo by: Justin Lumoo Pakulu

On the 22nd of December 2014, we created the IPPE (Initiative for Progress and Environmental Protection), located in Buabo, territory of Masisi. Our sole purpose is to ensure sustainable development within the community, as well as advocate and protect the environment. With firm will and courage, we brought the community together to challenge underdevelopment. Through concrete actions we can alleviate the evils of daily life and nurture biodiversity in protected areas.

This river is the home of many birds, bats, and mice, who live on the walls of the waterfall

Photo by: Justin Lumoo Pakulu

Justin Lumoo Pakulu

Noth Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo

Initiative for Progress and Environment Protection

Cover Image by CIFOR


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